When you pick up a magazine looking for some helpful hints and advice for mens healthy eating you might have one of a few potential responses. You might be thinking to yourself, how do these diet tips for men actually apply to me? How am I supposed to make or buy all of these foods, or how will I survive by eliminating all of this good stuff from my meal plans? These questions are the reasons that most men fail to succeed with their fitness and weight loss plans.
If you are a health expert, or would like to add additional information for a future article on this topic, then please consider all this and shoot me an email.
Throw away all the junk food in your pantry. Yes, this may sound a bit outrageous at first. However, let's face it, the more you see junk food in your house the more likely it is that you consume them. Start today. Clean your pantry or fridge by tossing all chips, canned goods, instant noodles, cookies etc into the trash. Now stock your kitchen with fruits and vegetables. The next time you feel hungry, you can now start training yourself to eat fruits and veggies.
The fact is that it is not the calorie or the formula or the ratio that determines your success. It is you. Whether you are on a high protein, low fat, no-sugar, or other program, your success will be determined by the level of your belief. I have witnessed people achieve success using many different nutrition styles, and the common element that linked their success was belief. If you asked them, "Will you lose your weight," they would reply, "Absolutely." If you cannot state that without confidence, it is time to find something you can believe in ... and more often than not, it will not be a new program, but you. Believe in you.
Easy to understand information is what you need to be successful. Lots of people use the Internet to find information about nutrition. You can find recipes, online diets and all the good and bad advice you can handle on the web. Information can often be found offline in newspapers, magazines, and bookstores. Your goal should be to look for helpful information that you can count on.
To control your cholesterol level and to ensure a Healthy living advice living you must also eat a lot of fibers. You can try fiber rich food like vegetables rich I fibers etc or you can even look for medicinal supplements. Before taking any supplements do not forget to consult a doctor for some advice.
When you don't believe, you simply "do." It is a frustrating concept, especially for analytical people, Healthy living advice because they want to have a simple set of rules. It is easy as an analytical person to get into your comfort zone. Find an equation that spits out a number of calories. Get a "ratio" of foods - 40% protein, 40% carbs, 20% fat, right? Then you have that exact formula and you are ready to go. Unfortunately, if it were that simple, more people would be sharing their success story (and their formulas) with everyone else.
"Look 10 Years Younger - Live 10 Years Longer" by Dr. David Ryback, Published by Prentice Hall, Paramus, NJ, First printing 1995, 318 pages, ISBN: 0-13-079336-1.